TOTAL ROCK SITE! - Quinta-feira, 06 de Fevereiro de 2025

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Ozzy Osbourne
"Farewell Tour"

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"The End Tour"

Ozzy Osbourne 
"Monsters Of Rock"

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"English Rock Ensemble"
"Orquestra e Coral"

Virada Cultural

Black Sabbath 
"São Paulo - Tour 13"

Rick Wakeman 
"English Rock Ensemble"

Ozzy Osbourne 
"SCREAM Brasil Tour"

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"Black Rain Brasil Tour"



4º Encontro Nacional de Fãs de Ozzy no Brasil 2015
Press Release "English"
Autor admin última atualização em 19/01/2015


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Fan meeting in Ozzy's show in Sao Paulo.


4th National Meeting of Fanzmosis and Ozzy Tour at Monsters Of Rock SP

On April 25 Ozzy Osbourne performs at the Monsters of Rock in São Paulo, marking his return to the festival after long 20 years.

Keeping the tradition of other shows of Ozzy, Madman admirers will have the opportunity to meet on the 4th National Meeting of Fans to exchange information, meet friends, make new friends and fraternize.

The meeting, which has the support of production of the Monsters of Rock, will begin at 10 am and will be extended throughout the day at the show input queue to open the gates, following during the event.

To Almir Figueiredo, the Fanzmosis fan club, event organizer, the fan meeting has been important to every show and mobilizes more fans each edition. They claim that the entire record of the meeting is also sent to the staff of Ozzy Osbourne.

Directed by:
Fanzmosis Ozzy Brasil 19 years
Twitter: @fanzmosis

Event Info
4th National Meeting of Fanzmosis and Ozzy Tour at Monsters Of Rock SP.
Interaction with fans, giveaways, news coverage and photography of the event.
Date: Saturday, April 25, 2015, from 10 am.
Location: Arena Anhembi. (Av Olavo Fontoura, 1209, Anhembi Park - Santana - São Paulo / SP)
Information: (13) 3467 4966 - Cel: (13) 98199-5202
Related Site:
Contact for sponsorship:

Midiorama, Mercury Concerts, Rock Brigade e Sony Music

* Created in 1996, the Fanzmosis ( is the oldest Ozzy Osbourne portal in the world and has brought to the Brazilian fans all the news about Ozzy's career, and has one of the most enviable collections rarities.


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Backstage - M&G - Shows
Q&A com Ozzy Osbourne

mais detalhes aqui...


2017 -  Gus G.
Líder do Firewind

2013 - Ian Anderson
do Jethro Tull

2012 - Gus G.
do Firewind
2012 - Adam Wakeman
do [Headspace]

Scream - 2011
2011 - Tommy Clufetos
2011 - Ozzy Osbourne
2011 - Blasko
2011 - Gus G.
2011 - Adam Wakeman

Black Rain 2008
2008 - Ozzy Osbourne

2005 - Bill Ward
do Black Sabbath

2004 - Ozzy Osbourne

1997 - Ozzy Osbourne


Almir Figueiredo(Editor)

Fanzmosis Brasil - Experience Site! Serviço de notícias:
Bandas, PR, Promo, empresas e gravadoras devem enviar seus press releases, agendas, notícias para publicação por e-mail, clicando aqui.
Cel: 55 13 98199-5202

Mantido por:
Fanzmosis Brasil
Desde setembro de 1995